Making an impact with Business Resource Groups

Driving diversity, inclusion and business growth with BRGs

What are Business Resource Groups (BRGs)?

A BRG is an internal initiative within a company that focuses on fostering diversity, inclusion, and belonging in the workplace, while also aligning with the company's business objectives and strategies. BRGs typically concentrate on various dimensions of diversity, such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, and more. 

How are BRGs different from Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)?

In this video, Chris Farrington, Solutions Account Executive at Randstad, explains the key difference lies in their focus and purpose. Employee Resource Groups are primarily employee-led and employee-focused, serving as platforms for individuals to connect, share experiences, and create a sense of community. Whereas, BRGs are more aligned with advancing business goals:

  • BRGs work towards achieving the company's overarching objectives and their activities directly impact these goals on a day-to-day basis.
  • BRGs often collaborate closely with business departments to address specific business needs related to diversity and inclusion.
  • The activities and initiatives of BRGs are often more strategic and may involve projects that directly contribute to the company's overall goals and performance.

Explore more insightful sessions in our Festival of Workplace Inclusion

With experts from world-leading companies who discuss inclusion success strategies, the impact of BRGs, ERG and more!

How BRGs can help meet business goals

Creating Business Resource Groups involves two main approaches: transitioning from existing Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) to align their focus with business goals, or establishing them independently as standalone entities within the organization with an initial emphasis on achieving company objectives.

Below are a few examples:

  1. If your organization is trying to expand to a global market, team members who reflect that new market can come together in a BRG to develop strategies for the expansion.
  2. Do you want to improve talent acquisition and build a diverse workforce? A BRG with employees from various backgrounds can implement inclusive recruitment efforts.
  3. If your company needs to improve its CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) strategies, a BRG can foster new practices to improve your wider community impact.

What are the three pillars of a successful BRG?

Chris Farrington, Solutions Account Executive at Randstad, shares his insights on the three essential pillars for a successful BRG. Discover how these pillars - Unite, Integrate, and Celebrate - are pivotal in fostering inclusivity, collaboration, and appreciation within the workplace. Watch as Chris elaborates on each pillar, providing invaluable perspectives on creating a culture of belonging and support for all individuals.


Creating a safe space for individuals of all backgrounds and abilities to foster awareness and exchange information and support.


Fostering seamless collaboration and inclusivity across diverse teams to achieve collective goals and meet business objectives.


Cultivating a culture of recognition and appreciation for the diversity of perspectives and contributions within the organization.

How BRGs can add value to your business

  • Enhanced diversity and inclusion: BRGs promote diversity and inclusion by providing a platform for underrepresented groups to voice their perspectives and concerns.
  • Talent retention and recruitment: They help attract and retain talent by demonstrating a commitment to supporting diverse employees and fostering a sense of belonging.
  • Innovation and creativity: BRGs encourage collaboration and idea-sharing among teams from different backgrounds, leading to innovative solutions to business challenges.
  • Employee engagement and morale: They contribute to increased engagement and morale by creating a supportive community where individuals feel valued and respected.
  • Customer insights and market reach: BRGs can provide valuable insights into diverse customer demographics, helping the organization better understand and serve its target market.

Key considerations for creating BRGs on a global scale

Expanding your BRGs globally requires a thoughtful approach that considers diverse organizational dynamics and cultural factors. Keep these key considerations in mind as you embark on this journey to ensure the effectiveness and inclusivity of your BRG initiatives.

  • Organizational size: Acknowledge the overall number of employees across different countries and offices, highlighting the opportunity for significant influence and outreach through BRGs.
  • Cultural differences: Understand and address the diverse cultural perceptions and attitudes towards your goals across different regions, emphasizing the importance of education and open dialogue.
  • Language diversity: Acknowledge the linguistic diversity within the organization and the opportunity to leverage language as a tool for promoting inclusion and reducing stigma.
  • Training and education: Implement training programs to educate employees across different regions about diversity, inclusion, and the goals of the BRGs. Provide resources and support to ensure that all employees have the knowledge and skills to actively participate in and support BRG initiatives.
  • Time zone alignment: Address the challenge of coordinating global BRG activities and events across different time zones, emphasizing the importance of proactive collaboration and flexibility.

Effective global BRGs in action

In this video, Chris Farrington, Solutions Account Executive at Randstad, provides specific examples of implementing BRGs on a global scale and overcoming challenges that you may face.

From addressing cultural perceptions of disability to overcoming time zone differences, learn how Randstad navigates these complexities with dedication and innovation.

Ensure your global BRGs are set up for success with Read&Write

With inclusive solutions like Read&Write for Work, you can eliminate language barriers for global teams and ensure seamless communication and collaboration company-wide.