Testing Accommodations: How to Support Students on the State Assessment

Webinar 3 title with Texthelp and Don Johnston  logos

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It’s testing season, and we all want our students with disabilities to “show what they know.” For many students, that means equipping them with accommodations.

But often, testing accommodations can pose more questions than answers, including: how do accommodations work with online state assessments, which students should get accommodations, and which tools are available or embedded?

In this on-demand webinar, Ruth Ziolkowski, Senior Vice President of Public Policy and Partnerships for Don Johnston and Texthelp, will guide you to:

  • Understand how various accommodations work in conjunction with state tests
  • Know where to go to get answers to your state-specific questions
  • Screen students to determine if they would benefit from a read-aloud or speech-to-text accommodation
  • Advocate for appropriate accommodations for students with disabilities

Ruth Ziolkowski headshot