Read&Write Plus: Exciting Additions to Support Learners in the New School Year

Join us for a training session exploring Read&Write

Join our comprehensive Read&Write training to sharpen your knowledge of this powerful literacy toolbar.

We will also be talking through some of the exciting new features including Co:Writer Word Prediction and more!

Read&Write Plus: Exciting Additions to Support Learners in the New School Year

Get ready for Back to School and dive into the features that will take your learners' literacy, understanding and accessibility to the next level.

Read&Write is a dynamic, literacy support toolbar that offers tools that help with everyday tasks such as:

  • reading text out loud
  • understanding unfamiliar words
  • researching assignments
  • and proofing written work

Having access to a robust digital tool that supports students’ reading, writing and research skills across various languages and curricular areas empowers students of all levels to learn more independently and reach their full potential.

Read&Write has gotten an exciting update this summer — so whether you’re a seasoned pro or brand new to the tool, you’ll walk away from this session with new information and ideas for implementing Read&Write!

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