Back to Campus with Read&Write and OrbitNote

Join us for a training session exploring Read&Write and OrbitNote

Join our comprehensive Read&Write training to sharpen your knowledge of this powerful literacy toolbar and how it can be used for your college age students.

We will also be talking through some of the exciting new features including new Toolbar Modes and more!

Back to Campus with Read&Write and OrbitNote

Get ready to head Back to Campus and dive into the features that will take your learners' literacy, understanding and accessibility to the next level.

Discover the benefits of the powerful literacy support tools, Read&Write and OrbitNote, Texthelp’s PDF Reader.

These tools support students when reading, writing, and researching, allowing them to become more independent learners.

Through this training session, you will gain insights into how Read&Write and OrbitNote fosters independent learning by providing assistance with tasks such as

  • text-to-speech,
  • strategic highlighting,
  • idea expression, and
  • proofreading
  • and more...

Read&Write is compatible with various platforms and learning management systems, including Google Chrome, Office 365, Windows, and Mac.

This training session will show you how to make the most of Read&Write and OrbitNote in your university environment. You'll learn how to use the tool to support learners across campus as they read, to support the writing process, and help students study more effectively.

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