Digital & Web Accessibility Guide for Marketers

Symbols that represent video captions, a gravel, a persons head, a megaphone, a dollar sign and the number 1

Accessibility in digital marketing should be part of any Marketer’s plans.

It ensures that all individuals can access and understand your digital content.

This includes people with disabilities as well as older people, those who lack digital skills and more. Digital inclusion should be given the same importance as your set objectives. After all, if all your audience can’t access your digital content, is it really a successful campaign?

To help you understand more, we’ve created a Marketers guide to accessibility in digital marketing.

This guide is free.

We’re not asking for an email address. Helping you on your digital accessibility journey is our goal.

In this guide

Learn all about the barriers to digital inclusion and how to reduce them. Uncover how to create accessible marketing materials that can reach a much wider audience. Discover how digital accessibility can benefit your brand and business, as well as your audience.

Explore each chapter and discover:

Website accessibility: What it is. What the guidelines are. What legislation exists.

Web accessibility standards exist to help organizations make sure their websites serve everyone.

In this chapter explore what web accessibility is and why it’s important in digital marketing. Discover what guidelines can support you, including the web content accessibility guidelines (WCAG). Get the low down on the legalities.

Creating accessible content

Part of accessibility in digital marketing is to make content accessible.

From videos and graphics, to text and language. As well as webinars and podcasts, pdfs and social media. The accessibility of all content matters. In this chapter, learn how to create accessible content. Uncover how to support every team in your organization to do so too.

Accessible user experience and design

Digital accessibility recognizes that everyone accesses, understands and uses digital content differently.

When mapping out user journeys it’s important to consider people with physical, cognitive, literacy and language challenges. In this chapter, discover what an accessible user experience looks like. Uncover how to design for accessibility and inclusion. Learn how to create user personas that focus on accessibility.

Understanding inclusive marketing and how you can get it right

Accessible marketing can help make sure your content reaches a wide range of people.

Going above this, inclusive marketing embraces diversity and helps your brand to truly connect with your audience. It supports a positive brand image, and has the power to positively impact our communities. In this chapter discover what inclusive marketing campaigns look like. Gain insights into why it matters and how you can get it right.

How website accessibility can positively impact SEO

Web accessibility improves the online experience of people with disabilities. But it can also help search engines to find and understand your content.

That’s because there’s an overlap between features that improve accessibility and SEO performance. In this chapter, explore the benefits of accessibility for SEO. Gain top tips to help you optimize accessibility for SEO.

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This guide is useful for Marketers, Digital Marketers, Brand Managers, Content Writers, Campaign Managers, Social Media Editors, Graphic Designers and more. Feel free to share it with your colleagues and friends.

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To make the digital world a place for all, digital inclusion must evolve. As modern marketers, you’ve got the tools and platforms to make a difference.

We only hope our guide inspires you and gives you the knowledge to do so. In fact, since we’ve created this guide for you, let us know what else you’d like to know.