Rolls-Royce Unlocks Neurodiverse talent with Texthelp’s inclusive technology

Rolls-Royce empowers neurodivergent talent with Texthelp’s inclusive technology. A global leader in power and propulsion solutions, Rolls-Royce employs over 40,000 people across 49 countries. Committed to becoming one of the most diverse and inclusive organizations in the world, Rolls-Royce has partnered with Texthelp to implement Read&Write, a game-changing inclusive technology tool that enables employees of all abilities to work to their strengths.

This includes neurodivergent individuals with ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and more, who currently make up around 20% of the population. These individuals are often overlooked in recruitment processes and workplaces due to stigma and unconscious bias. However, organizations such as Rolls-Royce are leading the change by leveraging the unique strengths neurodiversity can bring.

Last year, Rolls-Royce partnered with Texthelp to implement Read&Write for Work as a key component of their neurodiversity inclusion strategy, aiming to create an environment where all employees can work to their full potential. Natasha Whitehurst, Head of Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging at Rolls-Royce, is at the forefront of ensuring an equitable workplace for all. She oversees the development and implementation of strategies, policies and programs that foster diversity, inclusion and belonging across the enterprise. Natasha's vision is to create a workplace where everyone feels psychologically safe and where diversity is celebrated.

Discover more on Rolls-Royce neurodiversity inclusion strategies in our latest on-demand webinar!


  • Read&Write is empowering employees at Rolls-Royce to work to their strengths: "We've seen a remarkable increase in employee productivity. The software empowers individuals to work more effectively, regardless of neurodiversity."
  • Rolls-Royce employees have experienced incredible benefits from Read&Write: "I love the ability to be able to use my voice to write my emails and important documents, it really helps me shape my thinking. I know other colleagues who have really benefited from being able to change the color of their screens."
  • Rolls-Royce share the importance of embracing neurodiversity inclusion in the workplace: "If we think about neurodiversity broadly and the impact it can have on an organization, it gives us diverse perspectives and innovative ways to problem solve and to be creative."

Small Solutions, Big Impact

In 2023, Rolls-Royce launched a comprehensive Neurodiversity Toolkit. This resource, available globally and in multiple languages, provides employees and leaders with essential information and tools to support neurodivergent colleagues. The toolkit includes an overview of neurodiversity and its importance, background information on various neurotypes and practical tools for creating neuroinclusive workspaces and team environments.

The toolkit emphasizes the importance of small solutions that can make a big impact, such as providing earplugs, alternative workspaces and adaptive equipment to help neurodivergent employees perform at their best. Texthelp’s Read&Write software is also included to enable and encourage team members to work to their strengths through a variety of diverse features.

Unlocking Potential with Read&Write

93% of business leaders believe that using technology to improve work outcomes and team performance is very important or important to their organization’s success. Additionally, 42% of business leaders expect that over the next 2-4 years, technology will help drive better organizational outcomes by nudging workers and teams to perform better.

Rolls-Royce is a shining example of how businesses can leverage the power of modern technology to unlock the full potential of their workforce. Through their partnership with Texthelp, they have implemented Read&Write, seeing tangible benefits in productivity and employee engagement.

Read&Write has become a transformational tool for employees, as Natasha explains: “Since implementing Texthelp's Read&Write last year, we've seen a remarkable increase in employee productivity. The software empowers individuals to work more effectively, regardless of neurodiversity. Many colleagues, myself included, find the tool invaluable. Texthelp's solutions demonstrate the power of inclusivity – by providing these small adjustments, we unlock a world of potential within our workforce."

“For me personally, I love the ability to be able to use my voice to write my emails and important documents, it really helps me shape my thinking. I know other colleagues who have really benefited from being able to change the color of their screens and to be able to read and write more effectively. So we’re having great success so far and look to continue the relationship and we’re really excited as we get more and more people access to the product.”

The Power of Neurodiversity in Business

Research shows that neurodivergent employees report remarkable abilities and work strengths, with over 80% showcasing hyperfocus, 78% demonstrating creativity, 75% engaging in innovative thinking, 71% excelling in detail processing and 64% bringing authenticity to their work. Companies that champion disability inclusion also experience significant financial benefits, including 30% higher profit margins, 28% higher revenue and double the net income compared to their peers.

Natasha continues: “So if we think about neurodiversity broadly and the impact it can have on an organization, it gives us diverse perspectives and innovative ways to problem solve and to be creative. As we look to the future of work, key focus areas are very much around innovation, collaboration and creating a resilient team.

"I think by leveraging the neurodivergent community, you can really enhance your workforce and have a broader impact on not just your societal goals but also your business goals and the bottom line of profit.”

Natasha's Top Tips for Neuroinclusion:

Ethical Data Collection and Employee Privacy

Companies must ensure that data collection on neurodiversity is conducted ethically and respects employee privacy. Natasha emphasizes the importance of transparency in this process:

  • Engage Locally: Start by engaging employees where they are, understanding their thoughts and feelings around data collection.
  • Clear Communication: Be transparent about what data is being collected, why it's being collected, its purpose, scope and use.
  • Voluntary Participation: Make it clear that participation is voluntary. Employees should have the option to opt-in rather than being mandated to provide data.
  • Psychological Safety: Highlight that even choosing "prefer not to say" is a valid form of participation. This can still provide valuable insights into the data collection process.
  • Data Anonymity: Ensure that all data is aggregated and anonymous. Be clear about who has access to the data and how it will be used.
  • Storage Transparency: Detail where and how the data is stored, including server locations and access controls, to build trust among employees.

Leveraging Data to Celebrate Neurodivergent Strengths

Once you have collected data, it becomes a powerful tool to understand and celebrate the strengths of your neurodivergent workforce:

  • Recruitment Funnel Analysis: Use data to analyze the recruitment process, from sourcing candidates to hiring, to understand diversity at each stage.
  • Employee Surveys: Compare diversity data with engagement scores to see if more diverse teams are more engaged and use this information to drive further inclusion.
  • Performance Reviews: Apply a diversity lens to performance ratings to identify any potential biases and opportunities for improvement.
  • Learning and Development: Use data to identify training needs and ensure that leaders are equipped to manage diverse teams effectively.

Creating a Neuroinclusive Culture

Natasha outlines a few key steps to foster a neuroinclusive culture:

  • Demonstrate Commitment: Show a clear commitment to progress by creating a short to medium-term action plan.
  • Open and Supportive Environment: Focus on building an environment where employees feel comfortable discussing neurodiversity. This encourages them to ask for support or adjustments to perform at their best.
  • Inclusive Decision-Making: Proactively consider neurodiversity in all decisions, recognizing that many workplaces were not originally designed with neurodivergent individuals in mind.
  • Empower Neurodiverse Voices: Consult neurodiversity-focused employee networks on strategy and approach. Invite them to take leadership roles in your inclusion efforts but avoid over-relying on them for education.
  • Respect Individual Preferences: Understand that not all neurodivergent employees may want to be involved in related initiatives. Respect their preferences and recognize that neurodiversity is just one aspect of their identity.

Want to find out more about how Read&Write can empower your team?

Book a chat with our inclusion experts to discover the transformative impact inclusive technology can have on your people and business!