Understanding Dyslexia: a guide for Australian educators

In this free guide, explore how you can help students with dyslexia to reach their full potential.

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What's in the guide?

You'll find information and guidance on:

  • The effects of dyslexia and broader literacy challenges
  • Details on the strengths of dyslexic thinking
  • Insights into the challenges faced by people with dyslexia
  • Practical tips for identifying and supporting dyslexia
  • Resources to deepen your understanding and help you build an inclusive learning environment

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Who is the guide for?

This guide is for Australian educators, and features national statistics, case studies and organisations specific to Australia. It covers dyslexia support at all levels of education, from primary to post-secondary.

Information within this guide will interest:

  • teachers, tutors and lecturers
  • learning support staff
  • assistive technology specialists
  • school leaders

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You'll gain...

  • A better understanding of dyslexia and how it affects learning
  • Evidence-based strategies for supporting students with dyslexia and nurturing their talents
  • Insights from teachers and parents who use technology as part of their dyslexia support toolkit

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