Try Texthelp tools - Go beyond accessibility to create truly inclusive learning environments
Try before you buy
We know that investing in new technology can be a big commitment. That’s why we’d like to offer you the opportunity to participate in a FREE pilot.
During the pilot, you and your colleagues can familiarize yourselves with Read&Write, Equatio, and/or OrbitNote for an extended period of time before purchasing.
Discover the Future of Learning: Join our pilot program today
✔ Try it yourself and see the difference
You'll get to use our tools in your own classroom setting, allowing you to discover firsthand how they enhance learning and engagement for your students. Experience all their features and see how they align with your teaching methods.
✔ Confidently make the right choice
Before making any commitment, you’ll have the chance to see how our digital learning tools integrate with your current systems and truly benefit your teaching and students' learning.
✔ Dedicated Tech Support
Throughout the pilot, if you have any questions or need assistance, our support team is ready to help. You'll have direct access to a dedicated account representative and our tech support team.
✔ Access to exclusive learning materials
As a pilot participant, you’ll gain access to the Texthelp Academy. Here, you'll find a wealth of guidance materials, ranging from product fundamentals to classroom strategies.
How have others benefitted from a Texthelp Pilot?
Discover how Plymouth-Canton Community Schools used the pilot program to measure the impact of using Read&Write in the school district.
Plymouth-Canton Community Schools is the fourth largest district in Michigan, with 18,000 students spread across 14 elementary schools, 5 middle schools and 4 high schools.
The large student population coupled with a diverse range of learning needs, led district leaders to search for a solution to help close the achievement gap for IEP, ELL and students who don’t receive support but who may be struggling.
Their search led them to Read&Write, where initially they selected a 90 day district-wide pilot to encourage use amongst all students, staff and teachers.
At the same time, the district also decided to purchase a group license of Read&Write for use with 150 of their Special Education Students.
Access to the free features of Read&Write was maintained post-pilot for all other students as a way for Plymouth-Canton to minimize any stigma for their Special Education students.
The decision to purchase Read&Write across the district would ultimately be based on its proven ability to help every student, so usage had to be measured across all students, not just sub groups.
- 10 percentile growth vs 1.4 percentile growth at the control school
- The sample group also saw additional gains after using the full suite of Read&Write tools between the Fall and Winter assessments
- Low growth, low achievement students’ scores increased by almost 1/3
- From 4.4 points in the Fall to 12.06 points in the Winter
“We want to make sure that we are able to provide learning opportunities that are accessible and effective for all students, incorporating Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles as a key component to address academic barriers and empower all of our students, not just those who may be struggling.”