Become a texthelper

Check out our current vacancies below.

  • Pædagogisk Konsulent

    Hos Wizkids sætter vi kunden i forreste række og lægger stor vægt på at give vores kunder kvalificeret sparring og professionel behandling. Som pædagogisk konsulent vil du blive en del af et dynamisk team, hvor samarbejde og fællesskab er i fokus. Vi forestiller os, at du er pligtopfyldende, udadvendt og imødekommende, samt at du sætter pris på et godt arbejdsmiljø.


A little about us...

Founded in 1996, the Texthelp Group is a global technology company helping people all over the world to understand and to be understood.

We employ over 350 staff across 2 separate divisions, Education & Workplace across locations in Northern Ireland, Great Britain, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, USA and Australia. Our mission is to help unlock everyone’s full potential through innovative technology. 

We can only achieve this and continue to grow by having great, engaged, talented, developed, accountable people, working in the right culture using agile methods. We pride ourselves on our core values that are embedded within our culture. To be a true Texthelper, you are; courageous, impactful and creative and you believe in community.

Check them out above and apply today.

Become a texthelper

If you like the look of what we do - and why we do it - then it could be the perfect time to get in touch. We’re growing all the time, and we are always pleased to hear from great people who want to be part of our exciting future.

Software developers, support wizards, marketers, sales specialists and more: there are always fresh roles coming up in our different locations across the world.