Inclusive Learning for All at Shawley Community Primary Academy


Shawley Community Primary Academy, situated in Epsom Downs, Surrey, is a 1.5 form entry school catering to children aged 4-11 years old. Proudly affiliated with the LEO Academy Trust, a network of like-minded schools, it fosters an environment of mutual support, challenge, and growth.

The LEO Academy Trust is dedicated to providing Learning, Excellence, and Opportunity to every pupil within its care. Reflecting the values of its parent trust, Shawley Community Primary Academy's motto, 'Together we THRIVE', encapsulates its commitment to an ambitious and engaging curriculum that promotes diversity, inclusion, and independence.

THRIVE stands for Togetherness, Healthy, Resilience, Inspiration, Values, and Excellence. This curriculum ethos is in harmony with the overarching pupil outcomes outlined by the LEO Academy Trust.

Technology for Learning

At Shawley, their primary aim is to ensure that every pupil has the opportunity to become confident and successful learners, striving to achieve their utmost potential. They approach each child as a unique individual, closely monitoring their progress and meticulously planning the next steps in their educational journey.

Committed to excellence, all staff members at Shawley are dedicated to providing the highest standard of education possible. In 2020, Shawley, along with its fellow schools within the LEO Academy Trust, embarked on a digital transformation initiative.

As part of this initiative, every pupil at Shawley received a one-to-one Chromebook, marking a significant shift in the school's approach to learning. Recognising that each pupil learns differently, Shawley's staff and the LEO Academy Trust acknowledged the importance of personalised learning within an inclusive environment, ensuring that every child has access to education at their own pace.

Through the integration of digital skills and technology, Shawley has revolutionised teaching and learning practices. This transformation has not only enhanced accessibility but has also fostered pupils' confidence and creativity while providing valuable support to staff members.

"It's really impacted on the children because engagement has skyrocketed. The children can take ownership of their learning, access it at their own speed, and because they can take ownership of it, it belongs to them. They want to achieve, they want to do the work, and they're happier to come to school as well. It's exciting using a one-to-one device.

Digital tools for inclusive learning

Since 2020, Texthelp tools, Read&Write and OrbitNote, have been seamlessly integrated across every device at Shawley. This proactive approach ensures that scaffolding is readily available to support the diverse needs of every child. 

Teachers and pupils are utilising these digital resources effortlessly across the curriculum, resulting in a significant enhancement of accessibility and the creation of truly inclusive learning environments that meets the needs of all learners.

Student Spotlight

Students at Shawley have shared that learning feels more accessible and enjoyable. They feel more independent and empowered to further their learning.

"OrbitNote is a fantastic tool. It can include everybody and there's like loads of different tools that can help everybody. So for example, you can highlight words that you don't know the meaning of and there's a picture dictionary and a word dictionary."

Discover Texthelp tools

To discover more about Read&Write and OrbitNote, or to receive a demo, fill in the form and one of our Inclusive Technology Specialists will contact you.