Closing the achievement gap for all learners at Plymouth-Canton Community Schools
Discover how Read&Write is helping to close the achievement gap at Plymouth-Canton community schools.
Discover how Read&Write is helping to close the achievement gap at Plymouth-Canton community schools.
Plymouth-Canton Community Schools is the fourth largest district in Michigan, with 18,000 students spread across 14 elementary schools, 5 middle schools and 4 high schools. Dedicated to providing learning opportunities that are accessible and effective for all students, incorporating Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles as a key component to address academic barriers and empower all students. With a goal of closing the achievement gap for IEP, ELL and students who don’t receive support but who may be struggling, the district introduced Read&Write.
An impact study was then conducted by the Assistive Technology team to measure the impact on learner achievement and closing the gap for their low growth, low achievement students. This was measured by comparing the district’s scores in the NWEA’s MAP reading assessment, before and after Read&Write was introduced, over the course of two years.
- The school using Read&Write achieved a 10 percentile growth vs a 1.4 percentile growth at the control school
- Low growth, low achievement students' scores in the NWEA'S MAP reading assessment increased by almost a third
- With many of the third grade students having as many as 30 growth points in that school year
- Resulting in a district-wide purchase of Read&Write for every single student
Watch the video
Watch the video to find out how Plymouth-Canton is closing the achievement gap by using Read&Write as a UDL tool for all students.